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{The List -} Government & Social Engineering

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  • Beinga ble to cancle out weanesses doesn't invalidate strategy, because it comes with a penalty of no strenghts. Being a jack of all trades - which SMAC doesn't really even let you do, but in theory could - means mastering none. It's a perfectly valid choice.

    The SE scheme from SMAC is far superior to what Civ has had in the past.. and a true history game could do so much with it that it will be a true shame if Civ 4 sticks to the old, flawed routine.


    • Now, in the model I envisage, you would have both 'Government Types' AND 'Social Engineering' traits.
      The thing is that each different type of Government would have baselines for wealth, corruption, unit costs etc. In addition, though, they determine the minimum, maximum and default settings for your various 'Social Engineering' traits. In addition, though, your settings for one SE trait will affect the minimum/maximum settings of another trait-positively OR negatively.
      For instance, a nation with a high secularity setting could also have a high nationalism setting, and vice versa. Low Libertarianism would reduce the maximum setting you could have for Sufferage.
      This way, it would be pretty well impossible to have a maximum in ALL of your settings!



      • Teh list is updated.

        I am sorry if I don't really put all your ideas into detail, guys. Some of the are modifications of other ideas, and not significantly different.

        On a more personal notice, I am really sorry that I haven't updated this in a month, or so,


        • bump


          • Originally posted by Fosse
            Beinga ble to cancle out weanesses doesn't invalidate strategy, because it comes with a penalty of no strenghts. Being a jack of all trades - which SMAC doesn't really even let you do, but in theory could - means mastering none. It's a perfectly valid choice.

            The SE scheme from SMAC is far superior to what Civ has had in the past.. and a true history game could do so much with it that it will be a true shame if Civ 4 sticks to the old, flawed routine.

            I agree completely. No one choice in SMAC was ominpresent and "the obvious" solution to your game-contrast this to Civ3, in which everyone becomes a democracy as soon as possible becuase it is obviously the best government type and the war weariness issues can be dealt with (just look at the AI in high level games). If any system leads to cookie cutter governance, it is one in which one model is obviously superior to another-like how democracy is obviously superior to monarchy.

            The social engineering table form SMAC was actually the ONE aspect of that game Civ3 should have maintained, if nothing else.
            If you don't like reality, change it! me
            "Oh no! I am bested!" Drake
            "it is dangerous to be right when the government is wrong" Voltaire
            "Patriotism is a pernecious, psychopathic form of idiocy" George Bernard Shaw


            • i think that guerrillas and terrorism is a must in civ4.

              guerrillas would pop up in two situations. 1) in areas of large unhappinness, and 2) in areas of high corruption/far away from the empire's center.

              for each unhappy citizen in a city, a band of guerrilas (say 2 or 3) has an x chance of popping up in the hills nearby on any given turn. (govt type is already modelled as such because of bonus to happinness)The chance of this happening should be rather low, so that smaller population cities have very low chances of creating guerrilas, and that a guerrilla 'problem' probably wont appear until at least the late middle ages. Guerrillas would be a special unit who treat all terrain as roads and can pinpoint bombard (thus simulating an attack on a city that could destroy say the governors house or something.) The chance of success would rest on the number of unhappy citizens in the city and the number of troops in the city and the amount of corruption and the type of improvments. (modelling help, bribes, and chances of getting caught.)

              in instance two (corruption) guerrillas would function in the same way, except that instead of being a function of unhappy citizens, it would be a function of corruption. There would be a floor minimum (to prevent small cities with small production, but high production to corruption waste from having constant revolts) so that only large cities would have any chance of producing these people.

              city improvments (such as police station) can both reduce the chances of creating guerrillas (more happinnnes) and can reduce their chances of carrying out the pinpoint attack.

              guerillas should be invisible, can capture settlers/workers/explorers/artillery and should be one of the weaker units for the eras.

              a terrorist would be modelled by a Fanatic unit (civ 2 style) and would act the same way as a guerrilla except his chances of success are higher, and his A/D is weaker.

              terrorists would require the extra element of religion (not sure how this will be modelled in civ 4.)

              these terrorists and guerrillas can also be under the control of the player. say your city gets taken, and religion plays no part in it (either same religion as civ capturing your city, or some other thing like that.) your citizens will create guerrillas and the player will be able to control them. if religion is invovled, the city will create fanatics, and the player will be able to control them.
              "Everything for the State, nothing against the State, nothing outside the State" - Benito Mussolini


              • The subject of civics is definitely an interesting one. There are many ways it could be implimented. But keeping in mind that Soren wants to keep things relatively simple, this is how I think things will (or should ) be implimented:

                Things will probably be SMAC-like, with different categories that you can set policy in. New techs would open up new policies and new ways to change them.

                Perhaps they could replace the current trait system - your civ could be a certain level of "industriouness" or "religiousness" or "militarism." Certain levels would give certain bonuses and certain penalties. For example, turning up Industriousness would make your Workers cost more upkeep. Turning up your Militarism would give your units more HP by default, but they also cost more. Turning up commercial makes you more money, but your units lose experience, etc.

                This way you could customize certain things within your empire that have practical purposes.

                However, there must be proper balance to these things. In EU2 you have a number of sliders and most (experienced) players will always turn their sliders to the either the absolute MAX or the absolute MINIMUM in every category. Because of the nature of the sliders, there is basically an ideal setup. That means a lot of work has to be done making sure everything ends up balanced.


                • What I would like to see is International Communism.

                  Well - this is True Communism. The Communism which Marx was talking about. The Communism before it was hijacked by Stalin and Co and peverted to National Communism which relies on nationalism.

                  It would work as - All ethnic minorites will never have split loyalty because they will be loyal to the workers state. All cities which have a factory & a libeary (reprenting the workers and the intelligestisa who lead them) and suffer from disorder for more than say, two turns joins the civ.
                  No capital - instead there will be the International HQ and local branches which will be like mini-palaces avalible in every city. Spies will be more effective as they are able to play on belief in the cause. UU - Red Guards - consriptable, they don't need support, and they will get better as tech goes along. And, they are pretty good too. Happiness adjustment - perhaps 2 more per city to show the happiness of being in a pure, workers state. Propaganda would be much more effective.

                  Bad Points

                  All other civ's will really hate you. This is only fair.
                  Taxmen & Stock Exchanges would be banned.
                  Less money generated because of the supression of the capatalists.
                  Science would take a bit of a knock, but not hediously
                  And, lastly only one civ at a time is allowed to be this goverment.

                  The idea is that this could be a original way to win Civ IV. Ie - Attempt at world revolution! It could give a door for a failing civ to win.
                  How can you defeat an enemy which will never accept defeat?


                  • What if a computer civ goes "true communist" first, but I wanted too? Can I join them (and by this way get the control over a much bigger empire ;-)?


                    • This looks remarkably like the "constitutional democracy" that someone else proposed earlier in one key aspect: it is an idealised fantasy version of a real world government. Also known as a political w*nkfest. As such, I respectfully recommend that this idea not be placed in the game.
                      The sons of the prophet were valiant and bold,
                      And quite unaccustomed to fear,
                      But the bravest of all is the one that I'm told,
                      Is named Abdul Abulbul Amir


                      • This woulds not be the idealistic version of it, but of the thing in action. The only example I can think of is of Russia Nov '17 - Dec '20. There would be lots of penuties in it (Ie Lower production, commerce & science, AI extreme hatred, etc) to balence the positives. I am not attempting to create a 'super goverment'. That would screw up the game.

                        No, only one civ at a time could be 'International Communist' (not True Communist, that would be the next stage of development, which I don't want to see on Civ) There can be only one (true) International! Other cities would join you (Perhaps I am thinking that the International has simliar affect of that wonder in either CTP or CTP II, the Egitarian Act), but no civ could join you en masse, for all other civs would hate you like poison.
                        How can you defeat an enemy which will never accept defeat?


                        • I don't think that communism idea makes a lot of sense, especially from Marx's point of view. He thought everyone would end up revolting and end like that, but I don't see how that would immediately mean there could only be one such government.

                          Of course, Marx had some hideous flaws in his theory, one of which is that he didn't think Democracies would pass laws to help protect and look after the working class.

                          Anyhow, as someone touched on, perhaps the best way to handle things is to use ye old political spectrum. Have a Security vs. Liberty slider, and a Free Economy vs. Controlled Economy slider. The former would control how easy it is to get military units and war unhappiness, the later would control happiness (from inequity) vs. trade benefits.

                          Hmm, perhaps that is too abstract though.

                          "If there's a child on the south side of Chicago who can't read, that matters to me, even if it's not my child. If there's a senior citizen somewhere who can't pay for her prescription and has to choose between medicine and the rent, that makes my life poorer, even if it's not my grandmother. If there's an Arab American family being rounded up without benefit of an attorney or due process, that threatens my civil liberties. It's that fundamental belief -- I am my brother's keeper, I am my sister's keeper -- that makes this country work." - Barack Obama


                          • ...or a lot like SMAC (not an objection!)
                            "I used to be a Scotialist, and spent a brief period as a Royalist, but now I'm PC"
                            -me, discussing my banking history.


                            • Marx did not predict that revoultions would break out everywhere at once. He understood that the best time for revoultion would be different for each nation. There would be a possiblity that many nations would reach this point at the same time (ie 1917-1919) But some would get to a revoultionary point in isolation (ie UK, 1926, Cuba 1960) The idea of 'International Communism' is that one nation would go 'red' first, and revoultionaries in other civ's cities would attempt to stir up a revoultion in their cities, and if they win, it joins the 'red' civ. That is the idea. (Note, when I mean 'red', I mean actully revoultionary, not like the counter-revoultionary USSR or China.)

                              Also, this idea would work well in conjunction with Fundimentalism and Terrorism.

                              With sliders, I like the idea, if it could work well. If you could get a situation where a Democracy allows no liberty or a liberal Fascism, it means that each player could have tailor-made goverments! (Did you get the idea form EU II?) And perhaps, you could end up drifting into a different form of goverment (ie a Democracy turning into a Fascism or a Despotism turing into a Monarchy)

                              Oh, and the reason the Democracies passed those nice laws to create a Welfare State was to avert revoultion! All they did was to paste over the most obvious defects of Capitalism. The cracks are still there!
                              How can you defeat an enemy which will never accept defeat?


                              • Things like unions, worker rights, and other laws, rights, and legal groups that give power to the worker over the employer are items Marx never thought would happen in a Capitalism. Well, they did, and that is one of the reason the revolution is never going to happen. There are others as well (I could post a comprehensive list of the various flaws Marx made in his analysis). He was a good economist, but everyone makes mistakes.

                                Anyhow, eventually the remaining cracks and errors will be pasted over in some fashion, as Marx's theory really predicts humans will become far more generous and fair than they are. No one but a fool advocates pure capitalism these days anyhow.*

                                Anyhow, I got my idea from this sort of thing. This is fairly common in political science and the like.

                                Anyhow, *how* you choose government and how religion is handled is related to this, but different enough to be seperate options (clearly, however, how things in the government fall on the graph relate to what sorts of religions are liked, tolerated, advocated, etc.).

                                Lastly, I don't care much for linking fundamentalism with terrorism, as terrorism really relates to any extremist group. Linking it with only the religious extremists is in bad taste, I feel. Lastly, espionage certainly has a grey area between military targets and civilian, and I think through this system is where terrorism would be handled.


                                PS. Never played EU I/II, are they any good?

                                *Just so you know, I have strong socialist leanings, but I am also very pragmatic. Certainly Europe indicates how Socialism can be poorly implemented.
                                "If there's a child on the south side of Chicago who can't read, that matters to me, even if it's not my child. If there's a senior citizen somewhere who can't pay for her prescription and has to choose between medicine and the rent, that makes my life poorer, even if it's not my grandmother. If there's an Arab American family being rounded up without benefit of an attorney or due process, that threatens my civil liberties. It's that fundamental belief -- I am my brother's keeper, I am my sister's keeper -- that makes this country work." - Barack Obama

